Storefront-Backend Restful API NodeJS & Express & PostgreSQL
Sep 30, 2022 - 7:00 PM Auther: Tarek El-BarodyThis is a starter API application for building Store Backend routes to manage and process
Shopping Cart, Orders, Categories, Products, Users, JWT Authentication && Store data in Database
modules nodeJS with Express, TypeScript , ESlint, Prettier , Jasmine , supertest , pg , dotenv ,
compression , bcrypt , db-migrate , db-migrate-pg , morgan , jsonwebtoken , cors , helmet
- The API application supports SSL and is ready to work on both HTTP and HTTPS.
- Login feature With Bcrypt password encryption.
- Json Web Tokens to manage requests authentication.
- PostgreSQL with pg module driver for data storage
- Adding Categories and Products
- Create Users and Tokens
- Adding Product to user shopping cart
- Process Order from saved shopping cart
- Order State Management and Confirmation Process
- Admin Privilege and User Access
- Admins can create orders on behalf users
- Admin Can Confirm and Delete and Update all setting
- User can add or remove products to shopping cart
- User can process cart and create new order.
- User can update their owen information
- All necessary checks have been done as a reference that you can develop on
- Strong typing is providing by Typescript for reduce errors
- Testing all Models and Handlers and Functions